Thursday, January 5, 2012

The Zone - Sr. High Youth Retreat

All Sr. High youth are invited to attend the upcoming Zone at the Cavalier Resort in Virginia Beach, VA on March 2-4, 2012. The Zone is a jam-packed weekend of high-energy fun, praise, and spiritual growth. There will be concerts from awesome bands, games, beach-front fun, hilarious and inspiring speakers, late-night activities, and meaningful break-out sessions where you and your friends can hang out and take your faith to the next level. For those of you who attended The Quake, the Zone is the Sr. High version of that event. Whether or not you’re familiar with the Quake or the Zone, this is one weekend you don’t wanna miss! The cost for this awesome event is $150 (checks payable to GSLC), which includes the event, hotel and meal expenses. In order to attend, all youth participants MUST be registered and paid-in-full by TUESDAY, JANUARY 31... no exceptions! If interested, youth may sign up on the sheet in the Sr. High Youth Room (121). All youth who wish to attend this event must register by filling out a registration slip and returning it, with their full payment, to Andy Muich (DCE). If you have any questions or need a registration slip, contact Andy at 703-439-2758 or, In the meantime, be sure to check out the Zone website: (search for “Zones”).