Thursday, March 26, 2009

Will You Starve for Food?

Assuming it takes you two minutes to read this announcement, 36 children under the age of five will have died by the time you have finished. 36 CHILDREN. And those deaths are from hunger, poverty, and hunger-related diseases – all completely preventable. The problem is huge, but the solution is not. Just $30 a month –roughly $1 a day – can help feed and care for a child in most developing countries. As students go 30 hours without food, they’ll get a taste of what it’s like to be hungry, all the while reaching out to others in need. And as they do that, their compassion will grow: for people around the world, and right here at home. World Vision’s 30 Hour Famine started in the U.S. 17 years ago as a way for junior high and high school students to help save – and change – children’s lives. By going without food for 30 hours and raising money to help needy children, young people gain a deeper awareness of the needs in our world and realize that they can play a vital role in making a difference. During their 30 hours, students go without food (but can drink plenty of water and juices) to experience true hunger and learn powerful lessons of compassion for those who live with hunger daily. The average, healthy person is able to go without food for 30 hours without any ill effects. If you have any health-related questions about fasting, we strongly advise you consult your family doctor prior to participation. It is not required that students fast in order to participate in the 30 Hour Famine and the adult leaders can help identify alternatives to fasting from food. More information on fasting and the 30 Hour Famine can be found at

This year’s 30 Hour Famine is scheduled for Friday, April 24 to Saturday, April 25. The fast will begin on Friday morning at 7:00 AM and will end on Saturday at 2:00 PM. All Jr. High and Sr. High youth (7th-12th grade) are invited to participate in this life-impacting event. We are asking that each participant raise at least $30 (that’s $1 for each hour of fasting) as a sign of charity and commitment to this event. This year we will be combining with the Jr. and Sr. High youth groups from Prince of Peace Lutheran Church in Springfield and Our Savior’s Way in Ashburn. Our Savior’s Way will be host for this year’s famine and we are currently planning this event’s group games, activities, service projects, live music and more. Please turn in your registration and consent form as soon as possible. Once those forms have been returned, you are registered for the event and will receive your student kit and collection envelope. The sooner you register, the sooner you can start raising money. If you have not received a registration and consent form and would like to sign up to participate or just need more information, contact Andy Muich (DCE) at 703-439-2758 or A schedule of events will be released as soon as times and locations are finalized. Do not pass up this incredible opportunity to save the lives of children around the world!