Monday, April 13, 2009

Life and Taxes

For many adults, April can be a stressful month. Why? Tax time… that’s why. Yes, every April 15th the IRS demands a portion of what we earn, what we work hard for. And to some this may seem unfair. But this is nothing new, taxes have been in existence for thousands of years. In fact, there is one particular story in the Bible about paying taxes. You see, there was this group of people who were trying to trick Jesus into saying something that would give reason for his arrest… so they asked him if it was fair and right to pay taxes to Caesar (essentially the Roman government). Jesus, spotting the trap, asked for a coin and pointed out that Caesar’s name and portrait were imprinted upon it and then said this famous line… “Give to Caesar what belongs to Caesar and give to God what belongs to God” (Mark 12:17 NLT). Why did he say that? Well, one, he acknowledges that we are obligated to obey our government, even in the paying of taxes… that it is fair. And two, in the same breath, he acknowledges that we owe God as well. What do we owe Him? Everything that belongs to Him. And what belongs to Him? Everything! This, though most deliberately a statement on civic duty, is also a commentary on our spiritual lives. We should be living our lives as though it was a never-ending “tax season”…a time of giving back a portion to the one who gives us everything. So although you may not be paying taxes to the IRS this month… I challenge you to live a life of giving back to your heavenly Father… giving to God what belongs to God… your time, your attention, your gifts, and your love. Happy April!