Well, it’s June, and you know what that means? Big-ticket, blockbuster movies! That’s right; this is the time of the year when production studios release their much-anticipated summer blockbusters. This year it seems to be the summer of remakes and sequels. Some highlights of this summer’s releases are… Star Trek; Terminator: Salvation; G.I. Joe; and Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. Despite all of those long-awaited titles, the summer movie that I am most looking forward to is Transformers 2: Revenge of the Fallen. Yes! Hopefully you all caught the first Transformers installment that came out during the summer of 2007… if not, go see it… now! For those of you that are not familiar with Transformers… they are machines (cars, planes, other vehicles) that “transform” into powerful robots. They were a childhood favorite of mine… so I was ecstatic that after years of waiting, Transformers was made into massively budgeted, Hollywood movie. Although I no longer have the Transformer toys, or the old TV show which I watched on Saturday mornings, I still love the idea of a Transformer, something that looks like one thing, but changes into another, something that is "more than meets the eye." Hopefully you can see the clear connection between those Transformers and us Christians. We are more than meets the eye. Through our baptism we are “transformed” into pure, innocent children of God. Through communion we are “transformed” into sinless saints, made perfect by Christ’s body and blood. Paul describes it like this: “And we, who with unveiled faces all reflect the Lord's glory, are being transformed into his likeness with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit” (2 Corinthians 3:18, NIV). The Christian life is one huge transformation. Although we may look like everyone else on the outside, inside we have been transformed, we have been redeemed, and we have been set apart by God. “More than meets the eye” is quite an understatement if you ask me. Happy June!
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