"...Thy Will be done, on earth as it is in heaven."
Supplies Needed
-notebook paper or index cards
-writing surfaces
-pens or pencils
Write your prayer. Write your thoughts, your fears, your needs, your hurts, hopes, joys... anything. Express yourself to God in written words, just for Him to read. When you are finished, take your written prayer with you.
God's Will seems elusive at times. There are so few earthquakes, burning bushes, and stone tablets being handed out these days. But God's Will is more knowable the better you know Him. Here we pray that His Will would be obvious to us and that we would live a life directed by it.
As you pray...
+ Recognize that God's Will is not secret or unknowable to you.
+ Ask God to make His Will known to you.
+ Ask God to help you see the needs of others.
+ Pray that nothing would get in the way of you living your life according to His good and perfect Will.

God's Will seems elusive at times. There are so few earthquakes, burning bushes, and stone tablets being handed out these days. But God's Will is more knowable the better you know Him. Here we pray that His Will would be obvious to us and that we would live a life directed by it.
As you pray...
+ Recognize that God's Will is not secret or unknowable to you.
+ Ask God to make His Will known to you.
+ Ask God to help you see the needs of others.
+ Pray that nothing would get in the way of you living your life according to His good and perfect Will.
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