"...but deliver us from evil."
Supplies Needed
-(1) candle
Focus on the candle's flame, its flickering movements, colors, shapes, and warmth. Use this line of the prayer or your own words to God and repeat them over and over again. Meditate on those words. Sit in silence and listen to God's words to you.
Evil is real and it's all around us. The devil is real and he works hard against God's people. There are battles being fought for our souls. Here we pray that God would guard our souls and keep us faithful to Him until death or his return. We pray that God would bring light into a dark world.
Evil is real and it's all around us. The devil is real and he works hard against God's people. There are battles being fought for our souls. Here we pray that God would guard our souls and keep us faithful to Him until death or his return. We pray that God would bring light into a dark world.
As you pray...
+ Thank God for being protection against evil.
+ Pray for safety from everything the devil would do to steal your soul.
+ Pray that God will keep your light strong in a world of darkness.
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