Well it’s October… and you know what that means… Halloween. Personally, I cannot think about Halloween without conjuring up thoughts and images of costumes. Maybe if you’ve been out shopping recently at Target or Walmart you’ve seen that they have an entire section of the store filled with costumes, masks, and other disguises. I guess it’s a pretty popular holiday. And I think Halloween is popular for several reasons: (1) The candy… who doesn’t love a pillow case full of chocolate and sugar? and (2) For one night of the year, it is socially acceptable (and encouraged) to dress up in a costume, put on a mask, and pretend to be someone you’re not. I’m sure many people would like it to be Halloween all year round… not so they can dress up like a ghost, or Sponge Bob, or Barack Obama; but rather so they can be someone else. We spend a lot of time wearing masks, don’t we? Pretending to be someone different. So much sometimes that we even forget who we really are. And exactly who are we? Well, if you claim to be a Christian, a follower of Christ, “we are God’s masterpiece… created new in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things He planned for us long ago” (Eph. 2:10, NLT). That’s who we are, that’s our true identity. Yet, sometimes we try and disguise our identity to fit in with the world around us… to be a part of that group, or that clique… to be accepted by others that don’t understand our true identity or reject it altogether. So we put on a mask that covers up the fact that we are God’s masterpiece, set apart to do His will. We may say that we believe in Him, that we are followers of Christ, but on the outside we look, think and act no different than unbelievers. I challenge you then, to take that mask off… to stop pretending to be someone you’re not… to be proud of who you are—a loved, child of God… and to embrace your true identity. Happy October!
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