Ever since Jake Taylor was a kid, he was the type of guy you couldn't help but like. For Jake, life is good. He has a ton of friends, a basketball scholarship, a hot girlfriend and a really bright future. Not much to get down about, right? Enter Roger Dawson. He was Jake's childhood best friend before Jake's growing popularity pushed him out. Tired of not fitting in and having a place to belong, Roger walks onto his high school campus and, with a gun in his pocket and pain in his heart, makes a tragic move. Jake is devastated by what Roger has done, and something in him changes. In seeking answers in his own life, one question plagues him the most: Could I have saved him? He finds himself deeply compelled to reach out to kids on the fringe - kids who aren't viewed as cool enough. But, this decision among other things, threatens Jake's world. He may lose his friends, his scholarship and even his reputation by asking, "What do I want my life to be about?"
I had a chance to see a sneak-preview of To Save A Life back in October of 2009. The movie's sponsor, invited DC-area youth workers to a private screening of the film; one, to introduce it, and two, to get feedback from the people who live out this movie everyday. The film centers around Jake and his struggle to find his identity and purpose in/for life, but the film also spotlights Chris, a youth pastor, and his efforts to find meaning in the circumstances of the teenagers in his life.
The film was written by "real life" youth pastor Jim Britts and was produced by Sherwood Pictures (the makers of Fireproof and Facing the Giants). To be honest, I did not have high expectations for this film. I don't have anything against Christian filmmakers or Christian films per say, but the vast majority of the ones I've seen have been overshadowed by poor production value, cheesy acting, contrived storylines, and subpar writing. I was totally and pleasantly surprised by the end of this movie. Fantastic acting, filming, writing, and perhaps the most realistic portrayal of teen life I have seen in a movie thus far. The fact that the screenplay was written by an actual youth pastor allowed for natural dialogue between the characters. Their stories could easily have been plucked from conversation or real life experiences.
Bottom line... go see this movie! This film gives an accurate glimpse into the messy lives of teenagers and honestly deals with some heavy issues (sex, abortion, drinking, drugs and suicide to name a few). But, unlike most mainstream films dealing with that subject matter, To Save A Life offers a hope for redemption and a second chance that only God can provide. This movie will no doubt move and inspire you to reach out to someone who is "just dying to be heard."
*To Save A Life is rated PG-13 for some mature thematic elements.
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