Thursday, April 1, 2010

Fools for Christ

Anyone pull any good pranks today? In 1957, BBC did a show about the cultivation of spaghetti trees. Many asked how to grow their own spaghetti trees in their own backyard! Burger King was even in on the fun, when in 1996 they announced the creation of a "left-handed" whopper, designed to have the condiments drip out of the right side of the bun. People bought these burgers and also requested the old "right-handed" burgers. April Fools Day has been around for a long time. First documented in Chaucer's Canterbury Tales. "The Nun's Priest's Tale" took place "Syn March bigan thritty dayes and two." Chaucer probably meant 32 days after March, which would be May 2nd. But readers took it to mean March 32, which would be April 1st. In this story, Chauntecler gets tricked by a fox. Today, of all days, you should watch your back for rubber snakes and other silly jokes. This isn't the only day, however that you should be cautious for tricksters attempting to fool you into false teachings. Remind you of anyone? Like the fox in the Canterbury Tales, the devil is out there to to trick you everyday. You have to be ready to avoid his temptations and traps. How do you do this? 2 Timothy 2:25-26 says: " the hope that God will grant them repentance leading them to the knowledge of the truth, and that they will come to their senses and escape from the trap of the devil, who has taken them captive to do his will." You have to trust in God to forgive you and lead you on the right path away from the devil's snares. There is temptation all around us everyday, not just April Fools day. But remember that Jesus loves you, and that's no joke.
Oh... April Fools! Leta and Camille wrote this. :D