Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Saving Lives on an Empty Stomach

Assuming it takes you two minutes to read this announcement, 36 children under the age of five will have died by the time you have finished. 36 children in two minutes! And those deaths are from poverty, hunger, and hunger-related diseases - all completely preventable. The problem is huge but the solution is not. Just $30 a month (roughly $1 a day) can help feed and care for a child in most developing countries. As students go 30 hours without food, they'll get a taste of what it's like to be hungry, all the while reaching out to those in actual need. And as they do that, their compassion will grow: for people around, and those right here at home. World Vision's 30 Hour Famine started in the US 18 years ago as a way for junior high and high school students to help save - and change - the lives of children. By going without food for 30 hours and raising money to help needy children, young people gain a deeper awareness of the needs in our world and realize that they can play a vital role in making a difference. During their 30 hours, students go without food (but drink plenty of water) to experience true hunger and learn powerful lessons of compassion for those who live with hunger daily.

This year's 30 Hour Famine will be held Friday, June 4 to Saturday, June 5. The fast will officially begin on Friday morning at 7:00 AM and will end on Saturday at 2:00 PM. The bulk of the event will be a Lock-in at Good Shepherd beginning Friday night at 8:00 PM and ending Saturday afternoon with a "break-fast" meal. We are asking that each participant raise a minimum of $30 ($1 for each hour of fasting) as a sign of charity and commitment to this event. The Lock-in portion of this event will feature tons of group games, community time, late-night activities, worship experiences, live music, a community service project and more! If you would like to sign up for this event or need more information contact Andy Muich (DCE) at 703-439-2758 or As soon as you sign up you will receive your donation packet and can start collecting funds. Youth must sign up for this event no later than Sunday, May 23. Don't pass up this incredible opportunity to save the lives of children around the world!