Tuesday, January 25, 2011


This past week at Quench (our Sr. High Youth Experiential Worship Service) our gathering centered around the theme "Noise." We focused on identifying the "noise" in our lives that distracts, deafens, even mutes the voice of God. He is constantly calling out to us... but can we hear Him through all of the noise we create?

For the message portion of the worship gathering we played Rob Bell's NOOMA 005, Noise... it was the perfect reflection piece. And allowed us to answer questions like, "Why is silence so hard to deal with?" and "Do you wish God's voice would be louder in your life?"and "Do you sometimes avoid silence because you're afraid of what God might actually have to say to you?" The evening's Scripture focus was 1 Kings 19:1-13, where God speaks to Elijah in a small, nearly silent, whisper. To really experience the passage, we added an interactive element to the reading. Participants used paper fans, Pop Rocks, and Atomic Fireballs to simulate the violent wind, earthquake, and fire in the story. This story causes us to ask the question: Is it possible that you are searching for God in the winds, the earthquakes, and the fires... and He's waiting to speak to you in the silence?

The final element of the worship gathering were prayer stations that reflected the theme, "Noise." Each station gave participants the opportunity to spend some quiet, even silent, time with God, and ask Him to speak to their hearts. Details of each prayer station will come in following posts. In the meantime, here are some pictures from the evening...