Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Blogging the NYG - Post #4


Today was the first full day of the National Youth Gathering... and full it was! We started the day off with a large group (8,000) Bible study that introduced Sunday's theme... LISTEN. "We believe in the Word made flesh; therefore, we speak so others can LISTEN and hear His Word through us." The Bible study explored Jesus' interaction with the woman at the well in John 4. And as we heard their conversation unfold we had the chance to consider her life-changing encounter with Jesus we find ourselves asking, "God, are You saying something to me that I haven't been hearing?" Often times are our world around is noisy and full of distractions and it becomes hard to listen to what really matters... so we settle for something less. But, as seen in this story, lives are changed when people meet... and listen to... Jesus.

After the Bible study, our youth had the opportunity to attend a few "breakout" sessions. They chose sessions from 40 speakers speaking on a wide range of topics... from what it means to be a man in an MTV world to the reality of love in light of Twilight... from seeing Christ in Martial Arts to seeing God's role in and desire for our lives (a session lead by a favorite of our group, Rev. Bill Yonker).

The Mass Event this evening was a powerful one! As always, the music was full of energy and praise. Another favorite of our group, the Skit Guys, performed and were absolutely HILARIOUS! The Jesus Painter was there also, adding so much to our worship experience. We were blown away by illusionist Brock Gill who somehow managed to get President Kieschnick into a straight jacket... and also managed to get out of his own... while standing on broken glass. But, at least for me, the highlight of tonight's Mass Event was the main speaker, Kellie Stocker, who told the heart-wrenching story of her 18-year-old daughter's death. She spoke about the pain, the anger, the questioning God, but also about the hope and faith that pulled her through the tragedy. But her daughter's unexpected death also gives us the message that we need to live every moment of our lives for Jesus Christ... the one thing that truly matters in this world, and the world to come. Thank you Kellie for sharing your story and inspiring us to make the most of the time we have and honor the one who gives us that time.

Here are a few photo highlights from Day Two...