Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Blogging the NYG - Post #5


Another full day at the National Youth Gathering. Today's theme was LIVE and was focused on how we can and should live out what we believe. We had the opportunity today to put our faith into action by participating in an off-site servant event. Our group was assigned to help clean up a therapeutic riding center just outside New Orleans. The center caters to physically and mentally handicap children, youth, and their families. Although the center was not greatly affected by flood waters, Hurricane Katrina's forceful wind and rain did some major damage. Much of what we cleared out and cleaned up was remnants from the terrible storm. It was a wonderful experience to be able to get out into the community and give some of our time (and sweat) to those in need. It was a blessing for us to be able to serve the people here and in doing so, share a message of love. We truly are created to do good works, and opportunities like these allow us to let our light, the love of Christ, shine for others to see.

The rest of our day was spent at the Convention Center. More sessions, more activities, more concerts, more fun! A highlight was hearing Bob Lenz speak on what he calls "The Dignity Revolution." Bob's message was one of unconditional love and acceptance no matter what a person looks like, no matter how popular (or unpopular) they are, and no matter what the world says... every person is a loved child of God.

This evening's Mass Event was filled with energy and was punctuated by a powerful message from Rev. Matt Popovits. The core of his message centered around the question, "What is God doing in your story?" We all have a story, written by God, and it's filled with characters and settings, and plots that have helped define our life and faith experience. His message challenged us to take a deep look at what things God is doing in our lives and how our lives will be different as a result of this Gathering. How will we take what we've heard and experienced here back home and put it into practice in our every day lives. I cannot wait to see what story God is writing in the lives of our youth. He is going to amazing things!

We ended the night with a side-splitting comedy show by the always hilarious Skit Guys. A great end to a great day!

Here are a few photo highlights from Day Three...