Friday, July 23, 2010

Blogging the NYG - Post #6


If grace is an ocean, we're all sinking...

That is a line from the stirring worship song, "How He Loves" and was a line sung by 25,000 youth and adults during this evening's Mass Event... by far the highlight of Day Four. As I looked around tonight, I thought, "when else are these kids going to experience God's grace in such a way?" When else will they be surrounding by 25,000 other youth who believe and share the same faith? When else will they have the freedom and comfort to sing out, praising God at the top of their lungs? When else will they hear the Gospel message in a packed arena? That's what makes the Gathering so special...

The worship at this evening's Mass Event was one of the most powerful experiences I have ever had. And I'm sure our kids felt that as well. The Superdome was silent as they reenacted Christ's death and marched his crucified body through the aisles. But that silence was quickly replaced with a roar of cheering and clapping as the Risen Christ appeared after his resurrection. The evening culminated with a mass communion meal... 25,000 people sharing in Christ's very body and blood... what an amazing site to see! And what better way to personally experience God's grace? God's Spirit was truly moving in the hearts and minds of those gathered in the Superdome. That same Spirit that made itself known at Christ's baptism and at Pentecost was present and moving in us tonight!

Here a few photo highlights from Day Four...